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时间:09-08 来源:最新资讯 访问次数:159


September 7, 2023雅思小作文系列 | 栏目推送说明分享雅思考试小作文真题范文。每一篇范文都经由专业团队反复校对,最终外教审查定稿。成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。[2023/ 9/ 2] The graph below shows the price of four kinds of breads per kilogram in a particular European country from 2001 to 2005.【主体段分段】:按照数值大小分段【开头段】The line graph compares four types of bread in terms of their price per kilogram in a European country between 2001 and 2005.【概述段】In general, only the price of white bread decreased in the given 5 years.Also, whole grain remained to be the most expensive one throughout the period.思路要点:- 只有灰色下降- 蓝色一直最高【Body 1】We can seethatin the initial 4 years, both the prices of whole grain and rye nearly doubled, reaching €1.4 and €1.2 respectively.However, these two figures experienced an opposite trend in the last year. The formersaw a slight rise to€1.6 in 2005,butthe latterdropped sharply by0.5 euro in the last year.思路要点:蓝色+黄色- 前四年 两者价格都几乎翻倍,分别达到1.4和1.2- 随后一年两者趋势相反- 蓝色(whole grain)小幅度上升到1.6,黄色(rye)急剧下降了0.5【Body 2】It is also clear thatthe other two types of bread were relatively cheaper. Initially, the price of white bread was equal to that of rye(0.6 euro).Subsequently,there emerged a marginal declineto €0.5 in 2002.The following 4-year period saw a period of steadinessin this figure.By contrast, a different trend could be found in the price of brown bread. There were no data in this item in 2001. In 2002, one kilogram of brown bread was sold for 0.5 euro.Afterwards, this figureclimbed slightlyto €0.6 in 2003,before falling slowlyback to the original figure in 2004.Eventually,there was a noticeable ascent toits highest point at roughly €0.7 in the final year.思路要点:橙色+灰色- 两者数值相对较低- 灰色(white bread):第一年和黄色数据相同都是0.6→随后在2002年轻微下降到0.5→接下来四年平稳- 橙色趋势和灰色不同- 橙色(brown bread):2001年无数据。2002年0.5→轻微上升到0.6→在2004年缓慢下降到2002年的原始数据→最终在2005年显著上升到最大值0.7


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